I was planning on this post being about Jamòn, but all my pictures are stuck on the camera and can't get out. So, instead, I'll just update you about my class situation. So far, I've been to class like every other day. To be fair, my throat really really hurt today so I stayed home and ate soup. I'm also out of credit on my bus card so that was just more motivation to stay home.
Yesterday, however, I went to all my classes, then took a long nap and read a little, and then our land lord brought us a new fridge! Finally! The old one had been broken for about 2 weeks so I mainly ate Donner Kebabs and plain pasta during that catastrophe. I am going to get so fat unless I find the gym soon.
So far my classes are Spanish History: Franco-Present, Colonial Hispanic Literature, and Current Art. I've emailed my OU advisor for word on if these classes will transfer credits but no word back, so I may send another today. My alternative options I've found are Spanish Grammar I and Theory of Art. Also, I might be able to take Italian I.
This weekend I'm driving to San Sebastien with 3 French kids and my American roommate. San Sebastien is a coastal town in basque country and to get there we'll be driving through the edge of France. It will be my first time in France! However it will only last about 15 minutes and I probably won't get out of the car. I also probably won't have any pictures to show you unless this camera gets fixed ASAP.
Well, here's a little preview to my upcoming post about grocery shopping in Spain:

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