Today I moved into my new home, a small flat with 3 french girls from Tours (Claire, Claire and Maelle) and a boy from Slovenia (aren't they precious?). We're still looking for one more male roommate. My address is Calle San Lorenzo 7, primer derecha 50001 Zaragoza, Spain. Google that shiz. I expect lots of postcards from Norman. This flat was the first that I looked at and I originally dismissed it as being too far from campus and too crowded because I would be sharing a room with Claire, one of the french girls. Instead of being in the University area it's in the middle of downtown, about a 40 minute walk from the main Campus which means I'd have to take the bus everyday. However, my roommates are the nicest people I've met so far and it's cheap! I'm only paying 150 Euros a month, plus expenses, about 30 Euros.
Even though its very far from campus, it's located in the casco viejo, the old part of the city where most of the nightlife is. As Andre explained, it's much safer to walk or take a bus to class in the daylight than it is to walk long distances in the dark late at night in a strange city or take one of the unreliable night buses. And as I've learned from Deanna's latest post, walking aroung in the dark in a strange place is a bad bad idea. (Chin up Deanna, that really sucks.)
And the neighborhood is gorgeous! I live a block from the ruins of a roman theatre, two blocks from the posh shopping district, a few steps away from another old market, and down the block from a Doner Kebab. Here are a couple pictures of my new territory:

So I had my first bought of homesickness or something today. It wasn't for anything in particular, I just felt like panic-y-crying all of a sudden after Michael dropped of my luggage at the new flat and left. It's probably just latent stuff I didn't have time to think about while I was busy at the hostel running around the city trying to find a place to live. I think part of it was doubt about whether I made the right choice for my flat but I love it and my roommates are so fun. Being settled again is paradise. So anyways, I got out, went shopping for new linens and had a nice phone chat and felt better. I ate lunch with my roommates who are pretty scarce right now since it's their exam time and that renewed my confidence in my choice. Also, there's a plastic flowers only florist across the street. How could this not be the right choice?

Spaniards are a little tacky. I think they take kitsch too seriously, which is saying something coming from me.
Also, I found out I could withdrawl from my Bank of America account for no interest or charge from Barclays bank, conveniently located in the nearby plaza Espana. Anyways, stay tuned on the b-log for our search for a new roomie! And maybe I'll talk about classes or the University. Or something.
And the neighborhood is gorgeous! I live a block from the ruins of a roman theatre, two blocks from the posh shopping district, a few steps away from another old market, and down the block from a Doner Kebab. Here are a couple pictures of my new territory:

There are two of my roomies, the Claires. Claire on the left is who I'm sharing my room with. She lived in Connecticut for two years so her English is really good. Aren't they so French? (Check out their cute christmas tree)

This is the local Pharmacy, I am in love with the tiling!

This is the old Roman theater. How cool?? I haven't been inside yet because it's closed on Sundays but wow, I can't believe this is my next door neighbor. That thing above it is like a giant glass ceiling to protect it from rain.

This is the local Pharmacy, I am in love with the tiling!

This is the old Roman theater. How cool?? I haven't been inside yet because it's closed on Sundays but wow, I can't believe this is my next door neighbor. That thing above it is like a giant glass ceiling to protect it from rain.

The number of Catholic churches here is ridiculous. And they're all like a zillion years old. Consolidate you guys.

This is my puerta bonita! Today I could not figure out how to get the door open with the little key but its all under control now.

I don't need the buzzer anymore! Except when I can't figure out how to use my key and have to have the landlord come help me out.
So I had my first bought of homesickness or something today. It wasn't for anything in particular, I just felt like panic-y-crying all of a sudden after Michael dropped of my luggage at the new flat and left. It's probably just latent stuff I didn't have time to think about while I was busy at the hostel running around the city trying to find a place to live. I think part of it was doubt about whether I made the right choice for my flat but I love it and my roommates are so fun. Being settled again is paradise. So anyways, I got out, went shopping for new linens and had a nice phone chat and felt better. I ate lunch with my roommates who are pretty scarce right now since it's their exam time and that renewed my confidence in my choice. Also, there's a plastic flowers only florist across the street. How could this not be the right choice?

Spaniards are a little tacky. I think they take kitsch too seriously, which is saying something coming from me.
Also, I found out I could withdrawl from my Bank of America account for no interest or charge from Barclays bank, conveniently located in the nearby plaza Espana. Anyways, stay tuned on the b-log for our search for a new roomie! And maybe I'll talk about classes or the University. Or something.
bah! this is so badass. your roommates look adorable. i'm so friggin jealous. keep having fun!